

Mercy Hospital Old Mercy Hospital


Columbus Regency Hospital was formerly the Columbus Community Hospital, a stabilizing force in the neighborhood that provided residents and workers with access to quality health care. The original hospital opened in 1903 when Doctor Theodore Davids -- aided by several civic-minded women -- established Mercy Hospital in a large house... Read more

Columbus Regency Hospital was formerly the Columbus Community Hospital, a stabilizing force in the neighborhood that provided residents and workers with access to quality health care.
The original hospital opened in 1903 when Doctor Theodore Davids -- aided by several civic-minded women -- established Mercy Hospital in a large house at 1522 South High Street. Although Davids left a year later, the women formed the Mercy Hospital Association and were able to save the hospital. In 1904, a charter authorized its operation and established a school of nursing … and, enough money was raised to purchase a new, permanent hospital location. That same year, the hospital moved to its present location at 1430 South High Street which was then a large house with 12 rooms, 1 bathroom, and a large attic divided into 5 rooms. A valued community institution, the hospital was supported by local merchants, civic organizations, churches and schools which donated supplies, food and linen.
In 1907, the School of Nursing graduated its first class and a decision was made to begin fundraising efforts for a new, larger facility. By 1910, the new facility was open … and, in 1930, an addition was constructed.
The present day Medical Arts building was built in 1958, and the last major construction project was the current hospital building which was built in 1971. An underground tunnel connects the two buildings.
Changes in health care led to the 1987 merger of Mercy Hospital with Saint Anthony Medical Center, a part of the Franciscan Sisters of Poor Health System. The merger proved to be a short- term solution and in 1987, under the threat of closure, a group of 5 physicians purchased of the hospital. Renamed Columbus Community Hospital, the for-profit institution was managed by Nashville-based American Healthmark until it closed, and was eventually reopened as Columbus Regency Hospital.


1522 S High St, Columbus, OH 43207, USA
Columbus, Ohio 43207
Franklin County

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