

Fluid Dynamics


Jon Barlow Hudson


Ohio Outdoor Sculpture Inventory


A sculpture on a theme of fluid dynamics due to the site having been a canal in the late 19th c.

A sculpture on a theme of fluid dynamics due to the site having been a canal in the late 19th c.


Made: 2013

Additional Notes

"Fluid Dynamics embodies in sculptural form my interpretation of flow in nature. This flow is seen in a multitude of areas" from the vortex of water or in a tree trunk, in swirls and eddies in flowing water, in dust devils in the air and clouds, in the spiral nebula, in the veining of marble and granite and more.


St. clair st, E 5th St, Dayton, OH 45402
Dayton, OH 45202
Montgomery County



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Please note: The Greater Columbus Arts Council (Arts Council) does not own or manage any public art. For the purposes of this database many pieces were entered by the Arts Council while we continue to search for the appropriate owner/manager of the work and other information to complete the entry. The Arts Council has tried to gather all available information about the works in this database, however, we acknowledge there may be missing or inaccurate information. If you can help us correct any inaccuracies, or provide more complete information, we would be grateful. Please use “Something missing? Please send us a note” above.