

Columbus Urban League


The Columbus Urban League was originally founded in 1918 to provide housing and employment assistance to new African-American residents of Columbus. Today, it still provides this assistance in addition to helping the African-American community achieve parity, power, and civil rights. The current building was built in 1994 to house the... Read more

The Columbus Urban League was originally founded in 1918 to provide housing and employment assistance to new African-American residents of Columbus. Today, it still provides this assistance in addition to helping the African-American community achieve parity, power, and civil rights. The current building was built in 1994 to house the Columbus Urban League, one of the most important African-American organizations in the city – and the driving force to bring African-Americans into Columbus’ economic and social mainstream.


788 Mt Vernon Ave, Columbus, OH 43203, USA
Columbus, Ohio 43203
Franklin County

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Please note: The Greater Columbus Arts Council (Arts Council) does not own or manage any public art. For the purposes of this database many pieces were entered by the Arts Council while we continue to search for the appropriate owner/manager of the work and other information to complete the entry. The Arts Council has tried to gather all available information about the works in this database, however, we acknowledge there may be missing or inaccurate information. If you can help us correct any inaccuracies, or provide more complete information, we would be grateful. Please use “Something missing? Please send us a note” above.

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