

Drinko Hall


Located at the main entrance of the Moritz College of Law’s Drinko Hall, Albert Paley’s 18-foot-tall sculpture Gnomon is made of Core-10, a construction material used in bridges. The abstract sculpture is set within a 16-foot concrete circle which is temporarily filled with limestone aggregate to allow the naturally-occurring rust... Read more

Located at the main entrance of the Moritz College of Law’s Drinko Hall, Albert Paley’s 18-foot-tall sculpture Gnomon is made of Core-10, a construction material used in bridges. The abstract sculpture is set within a 16-foot concrete circle which is temporarily filled with limestone aggregate to allow the naturally-occurring rust deposits from the Core-10 to settle on the ground while the steel oxidizes.
A nationally-recognized sculptor who has fabricated architectural, metal work and decorative arts for more than 25 years, Paley has received more than 40 major commissions. He also won the competition for a set of portal gates for the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.


55 W 12th Ave, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
Columbus, Ohio 43210
Franklin County

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