

Phi Kappa Psi


Alfred Litton, a candidate for Ohio governor, built his magnificent Georgian house in 1908 and sold it in 1912 to settle campaign debts. Columbus’s most famous literary native, James Thurber lived here at the fraternity in 1918. Thurber’s collaborator, Elliott Nugent, also lived here from 1916-1918, and memorabilia of both... Read more

Alfred Litton, a candidate for Ohio governor, built his magnificent Georgian house in 1908 and sold it in 1912 to settle campaign debts. Columbus’s most famous literary native, James Thurber lived here at the fraternity in 1918. Thurber’s collaborator, Elliott Nugent, also lived here from 1916-1918, and memorabilia of both writers remain here today.
Thurber’s bedroom windows are on the southeast corner of the second floor. In keeping with Thurber’s often humorous personal life and eccentric family, Thurber also lived at home (the current Thurber House at 77 Jefferson) and never told his family that the stopped attending college … and they never asked. Thurber wrote for the student humor magazine Sundial (which is making a comeback after many years). He also was a leading writer in New York from 1926 until his death in 1961, and was a member of the famed witty chatter of the Round Table at the Algonquian Hotel in New York.
The Phi Kappa Psi house has undergone an extensive two-year restoration under the direction of Lincoln Street Studio


124 E 14th Ave, Columbus, OH 43201, USA
Columbus, Ohio 43201
Franklin County

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