

Tasting New Life


Derrick Hickman

Derrick Hickman is a contemporary painter based in the Midwest. Professionally trained, he earned his BFA in Illustration from The Columbus College of Art & Design (CCAD) and later returned to school to earn a BFA in Art Education and painting from Ohio University. His work revolves around the theme of memory and how we are dubious narrators of our own experiences. It also explores how our early defenses allow us to be multiple versions of ourselves and how we select which version to resurrect in reflection. His work is in private and corporate collections around the country and is available for private commissions.

Barbara Fant

Artwork Owner
Easton Art

Derrick Hickman had been wanting to translate this series of paintings into larger formats like a mural. This piece is a collaboration between Derrick and Barbara Fant who was commissioned to create a poem about Crimson. Once completed, Derrick created a design that had the same rhythm, but also a... Read more

Derrick Hickman had been wanting to translate this series of paintings into larger formats like a mural. This piece is a collaboration between Derrick and Barbara Fant who was commissioned to create a poem about Crimson. Once completed, Derrick created a design that had the same rhythm, but also a "hurried, caffeinated feel." His work was about the idea of self-created folklore. The obstruction and distortion of the line work and the color modulations are meant to kind of get in the way or obstruct the viewer from getting the whole message. The viewer gets bits and pieces of it kind of like how when you tell someone a story they walk away with their own ideas of it. The color palette was based around the textures and materials of some of the communities that Crimson works with around the world, creating a global feel. The combination of Barbara's words and Derrick's design all work together to create a visual representation of what Crimson's goal is - to support communities as well as create a wonderful product.

Plaque Text

"Derrick Hickman @derrickhickmanarts"

Info about this place
Free Parking
Wheelchair Accessible

4066 Worth Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43219
Franklin County


Enamel Paint


Has Lighting

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Please note: The Greater Columbus Arts Council (Arts Council) does not own or manage any public art. For the purposes of this database many pieces were entered by the Arts Council while we continue to search for the appropriate owner/manager of the work and other information to complete the entry. The Arts Council has tried to gather all available information about the works in this database, however, we acknowledge there may be missing or inaccurate information. If you can help us correct any inaccuracies, or provide more complete information, we would be grateful. Please use “Something missing? Please send us a note” above.