

Historic Homes 77 and 85 E North Broadway


The Homes at 77, 85 and 91 North Broadway were all built in the early 1920’s with Doric columns and features of the Georgian style – best known for its centered front door and arched crown with pillar. The home at 77 North Broadway has been in the same family... Read more

The Homes at 77, 85 and 91 North Broadway were all built in the early 1920’s with Doric columns and features of the Georgian style – best known for its centered front door and arched crown with pillar.
The home at 77 North Broadway has been in the same family for more than 50 years. It was once owned by Percy Dolle, the founder of Fireproof Storage Company which was in business in the Short North. The home still has all of its original light fixtures and woodwork, and some of its original plumbing. The home also features a “needle shower” which allows the body to be wrapped in water spray. The shower has exposed pipes that look like a rib cage with needle sized holes that allow the water to cascade on the user.


77 E N Broadway, Columbus, OH 43214, USA
Columbus, Ohio 43214
Franklin County

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