

Longview Barber Shop


Continually operated as a barber shop since 1918, Longview Barber Shop was the longest operating business in Columbus. It features classic Americana décor and 1940s barber regalia inside and out. The shop also showcases a display of the demolished Clinton Theater, featuring photos and a piece of the theatre’s original... Read more

Continually operated as a barber shop since 1918, Longview Barber Shop was the longest operating business in Columbus. It features classic Americana décor and 1940s barber regalia inside and out. The shop also showcases a display of the demolished Clinton Theater, featuring photos and a piece of the theatre’s original façade, as well as a wall of Clintonville History.


3325 N High St, Columbus, OH 43202, USA
Columbus, Ohio 43202
Franklin County

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