

Born Brewery Bottling Works


Starting in the 1850’s, this building housed the Born Brewery Bottling Works for almost half a century. The company was founded by Conrad Born, a German immigrant who hailed from Rheinpfalz and settled in Columbus in 1839. It is said that his whole fortune upon arrival was just 95 cents... Read more

Starting in the 1850’s, this building housed the Born Brewery Bottling Works for almost half a century. The company was founded by Conrad Born, a German immigrant who hailed from Rheinpfalz and settled in Columbus in 1839. It is said that his whole fortune upon arrival was just 95 cents. Born was a butcher by trade, but also dabbled in real estate before entering the brewery business in 1859. Born soon found himself in direct competition with the Hoster and Schlee operations, both of which were struggling to produce enough of the newly popular lager.
Conrad Born employed 8 workers at first but eventually consolidated with the Hoster Brewery to form the Columbus Brewing Company. The bottling works was just one link in a long production chain of malt houses, mill houses, brew houses, storage buildings, boilers, cellars, and ice houses that every drop of beer traversed before being shipped to market.


570 S Front St, Columbus, OH 43215, USA
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Franklin County

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