

Oktoberfest Cottage


Built in the 1850s, this one-and-a-half-story brick cottage is an excellent example of the earliest type of German Village residence. Occupied by descendants of original owner Herman Staucher until 1961, the cottage was then purchased in 1962 by the German Village Society, which used it as an office and tourist... Read more

Built in the 1850s, this one-and-a-half-story brick cottage is an excellent example of the earliest type of German Village residence. Occupied by descendants of original owner Herman Staucher until 1961, the cottage was then purchased in 1962 by the German Village Society, which used it as an office and tourist information center until 1991. The building features a slate roof and stop-gutter system, a tin-lined, two-sided trough formed by a board standing on edge near the bottom of the roof. Today, the cottage is a private residence.


624 S 3rd St, Columbus, OH 43206, USA
Columbus, Ohio 43206
Franklin County

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