

Indianola Presbyterian


No other Ohio State President (before Dr. Gordon Gee) has been as visible in the community as Dr. William Oxley Thompson who lived at the corner of 15th and High in the old President’s House -- now the site of Mershon Auditorium. Dr. Thompson was seemingly everywhere between 1899 and... Read more

No other Ohio State President (before Dr. Gordon Gee) has been as visible in the community as Dr. William Oxley Thompson who lived at the corner of 15th and High in the old President’s House -- now the site of Mershon Auditorium. Dr. Thompson was seemingly everywhere between 1899 and 1925, including preaching at Indianola Presbyterian, a church he helped start. The Romanesque Revival style church which was dedicated in 1916 was designed by architect Charles Inscho, who also built 2 houses for himself close by on Indianola and Iuka avenues.
A lasting symbol of the personality and power of Dr. Thompson is evident in his stone pulpit on the front exterior of the church. Here, Dr. Thompson sometimes preached on Sunday mornings, and because he could eyeball the congregants before him (as well as see neighboring fraternity houses). He expected students would be there when he preached from the pulpit. The church continues to be a popular spot for worship services and meetings, and an active member of the community with outreach to both internationals and parents with daycare needs.


1970 Waldeck Ave, Columbus, OH 43201, USA
Columbus, Ohio 43201
Franklin County

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