

Hennick House


The unusual Tudor-styled, diagonally-located house across from Indianola Presbyterian Church was once home to Herb Hennicks, the owner of Hennick’s popular soda fountain grill and student hangout at 15th and North High. The house was also the home of the William Sweet family, and the Columbus Women’s Club was first... Read more

The unusual Tudor-styled, diagonally-located house across from Indianola Presbyterian Church was once home to Herb Hennicks, the owner of Hennick’s popular soda fountain grill and student hangout at 15th and North High. The house was also the home of the William Sweet family, and the Columbus Women’s Club was first formed in the living room by Mrs. Sweet before moving downtown. Mr. Sweet’s pharmacy business also relocated from downtown to North Columbus where it occupied a six-story building on High Street.
The house is still popularly known as the Hennick House, even though it was once the home for the University Area Council of Churches and has been student housing for many years.


1985 Waldeck Ave, Columbus, OH 43201, USA
Columbus, Ohio 43201
Franklin County

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